Monday, April 5, 2010


photo by Mike Kean

In the Laboratory

Here are a few shots from experiments in progress around the Laboratory.

In the Field

Agent Walker plays on his flute to entertain local plant life.Agents Solo and Walker experiment in the field with flute and oscillometron.
photos by Mike Kean


In the laboratory Agent Solo devised a new measuring instrument - the Oscillometron - designed to detect inaudible sounds beings generated by plantlife. Here is some documentation of Agent Solo in the field using the device.
photos by Mike Kean

Tree Measuring

Taking accurate measurements is a large part of the Phytophilous Initiative's ongoing research process. The data is being put to use by various branches of the PI office. Here Agent Walker works with a Maple by Liz Solo

Playing Music to Plants

Agents Walker and Solo go out into the downtown core to look for signs of spring and to encourage any new plants with various methods of stimulation. The come across a tenacious dandelion plant, growing miraculously out of the concrete.
As a way to celebrate the power of this small dandelion and to encourage its progress the Agents play a musical medley.
Afterwards Agent Solo takes important measurements for research purposes. Agent Walker assists.
photos by Mike Kean

Reading to Trees

Reading to Trees is one of the programs of the Phytophilous Initiative. Here Agent Walker reads excerpts from "The Secret Life of Plants" to a budding Maple Tree near Duckworth Street.
photos by Liz Solo

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Watching the Grass Grow

Experiment #2

Liz Solo Please indulge me and say out loud: 2 25 36 41 48 49 (this is an experiment)

24 March at 15:14 · ·
Geoff Meeker
Geoff Meeker
Okay, done. Now what? :)
24 March at 15:15 ·
Lindsay Taylor
Lindsay Taylor
Your lotto 649 numbers?
24 March at 15:15 ·
Liz Solo
Liz Solo
i will tell you the results of this experiment soon.
24 March at 15:16 ·
Jason Penney
Jason Penney
a focus on just outside Baardheere Somalia???
24 March at 15:16 ·
Vanety Fabrick
24 March at 15:16 ·
Rose Nash
Rose Nash
for u - done
24 March at 15:18 ·
Ken Ploughman
Ken Ploughman
keep it down will ya!
24 March at 15:19 ·
Trudy Trailer Parsons
24 March at 15:21 ·
Chico Rico
Chico Rico
24 March at 15:22 ·
Kelly Jane Bruton
24 March at 15:23 ·
Lindsay Taylor
Lindsay Taylor
If I'm part of the black magic that wins millions, I want a cut!
24 March at 15:24 ·
Robert Withers
Robert Withers
done. I'm so suggestible.
24 March at 15:29 ·
Jessica Rose
Jessica Rose
done. and me too.
24 March at 15:30 ·
Samantha Mills Wiseman
24 March at 15:35 ·
John O'Mara
John O'Mara
24 March at 15:38 ·
Darcy Fitzpatrick
24 March at 15:39 ·
Lesley Jane
Lesley Jane
ok, there's definitely enough response to know why, why WHY??? :)
24 March at 15:46 ·
Ted Samson
Ted Samson
that was fun!
24 March at 15:52 ·
Chico Rico
Chico Rico
Mere pawns in Liz's game of conquest.
24 March at 15:57 ·
Ward Pike
Ward Pike
I did it, but now i feels all quare.
24 March at 16:09 ·
Tracy Flood
Tracy Flood
Yes Ma'am!
24 March at 16:51 ·
Jesse H Walker
Jesse H Walker
that was easy. i feel so experimental.
24 March at 16:57 ·
Stephanie Farrington
Stephanie Farrington
ok - why?
(Hon, if you knew how often I say what I read or write while I'm doing it you would not consider this an accomplishment.)
24 March at 16:59 ·
Raymond Walsh
Raymond Walsh
Yup, did it too. Anticipating the results. I guess this is a poll of "Who wants Liz to be a millionaire?"
Or maybe she is trying to find out how many people are willing to do random things she types on facebook.
24 March at 17:00 ·
Maureen Power
Maureen Power
I've been sucked in too
24 March at 17:02 ·
Janet Muriel Turner
Janet Muriel Turner waiting for the loot to come pouring in:-)
24 March at 17:35 ·
Elaine Wade Terry
Elaine Wade Terry
ok, done. so now what??? it's been 2 hours toots!
24 March at 17:41 ·
Caroline Niklas-Gordon
Caroline Niklas-Gordon
did it. now will my three wishes come true? please make it so.....come on Liz...I know you have magical powers!!!!!!
24 March at 18:04 ·
Roz Power
Roz Power
are you trying to win the lotto?
24 March at 19:11 ·
Terry Rielly
Terry Rielly
how'd you know my meaurements?
24 March at 19:28 ·
Jennifer Dyer
Jennifer Dyer
done. What's it all about?
24 March at 20:15 ·
Paula Nolan-Jewell
Paula Nolan-Jewell
Done. Where's my dancing seahorse.......
24 March at 21:25 ·
Greg Bennett
Greg Bennett
did it twice.
24 March at 22:46 ·
Roger Baggs
Roger Baggs
did I just sell my soul or something lol
24 March at 23:36 ·
Liz Solo
Liz Solo
thanks for your indulgence, folks, this is a part of a series of uncontrolled experiments i am conducting. will post results soon.
25 March at 00:31 ·
Daniel Mounsey
Daniel Mounsey
telepathy test via occult data entry. did you feel me?
25 March at 01:21 ·
Amy Evelyn Wha
Amy Evelyn Wha
Yep, all done, even did it backwards.
25 March at 04:03 ·
Evelyn Osborne
Evelyn Osborne
think i missed the deadline but did it anyway
25 March at 12:24 ·

Liz Solo Thanks to everyone who indulged my uncontrolled experiment last night. I am working on a new art project that has to do with intention and using different technologies to amplify that intention. (Actually in one part I was only using a representation of a technology as I am still gathering the parts to build my own pathoclast) I was trying to influence the movement of theoretical numbered

25 March at 11:45 · ·
Liz Solo
Liz Solo
balls in a theoretical spinner by using the force of my intention, coupled with the amplification of your voices via the Internet, both directed (via symbolic amplification) into a visual representation of a 19th century intention amplification technology. The experiment produced no measurable results. I am still analyzing the data and will try again soon. Thanks again for your help!
25 March at 11:45 ·
Vanety Fabrick
Vanety Fabrick
uh... you're welcome.....
25 March at 11:47 ·
Paul Abbott
25 March at 11:50 ·
Chico Rico
Chico Rico
That's the most beautiful bit of bullshit I've ever heard in my life.
25 March at 11:51 ·
Elaine Wade Terry
Elaine Wade Terry
ditto.. what Chico said ;)
25 March at 12:03 ·
Jesse H Walker
Jesse H Walker
25 March at 12:25 ·
Stephen Crewe
Stephen Crewe
Liz , we are much alike in this regard. 8) Anchor the frequencies!
25 March at 12:45 ·
Mike Kean
Mike Kean
balls in a theoretical spinner....
25 March at 13:16 ·
Roz Power
Roz Power
keep the art party going
25 March at 14:44 ·
Peter Duchemin
Peter Duchemin
Telekinesis amplitude accelerator.
Proper thing.
25 March at 19:38 ·
Paula Nolan-Jewell
Paula Nolan-Jewell
Sooooo - no dancing seahorses......
25 March at 19:59 ·
Pyewacket Kazyanenko
Pyewacket Kazyanenko
maybe ai bots will have more powerful frequency emitters?
Intention is all a robot has..nothing more. Clarity of mind might be the key.. try it out. the text only sl viewer Radegast can speak a robots words aloud. Ill try it out next experiment.