Monday, April 5, 2010


photo by Mike Kean

In the Laboratory

Here are a few shots from experiments in progress around the Laboratory.

In the Field

Agent Walker plays on his flute to entertain local plant life.Agents Solo and Walker experiment in the field with flute and oscillometron.
photos by Mike Kean


In the laboratory Agent Solo devised a new measuring instrument - the Oscillometron - designed to detect inaudible sounds beings generated by plantlife. Here is some documentation of Agent Solo in the field using the device.
photos by Mike Kean

Tree Measuring

Taking accurate measurements is a large part of the Phytophilous Initiative's ongoing research process. The data is being put to use by various branches of the PI office. Here Agent Walker works with a Maple by Liz Solo

Playing Music to Plants

Agents Walker and Solo go out into the downtown core to look for signs of spring and to encourage any new plants with various methods of stimulation. The come across a tenacious dandelion plant, growing miraculously out of the concrete.
As a way to celebrate the power of this small dandelion and to encourage its progress the Agents play a musical medley.
Afterwards Agent Solo takes important measurements for research purposes. Agent Walker assists.
photos by Mike Kean

Reading to Trees

Reading to Trees is one of the programs of the Phytophilous Initiative. Here Agent Walker reads excerpts from "The Secret Life of Plants" to a budding Maple Tree near Duckworth Street.
photos by Liz Solo